Votes Reviews and Pictures!
We are now officially half-way through our extended run of Votes Off-Off-Broadway at Castillo Theatre! We have four more weekends of performances through May 22nd.
We've had a few lovely reviews of the show that you can check out: by Courtney Marie
"The handsome White House intern Brett played by Bryan Austermann and perky aide Maria (Tori Ogunsanya) round out the cast – lending their delightful voices, as well as some graceful dance moves."
Theater Pizzazz by Beatrice Williams-Rude
"Brett, Melanie’s attractive male intern, is effectively played by Bryan Austermann."
Berkshire Fine Arts by Susan Hall
"Bryan Austermann as the cute male intern who delivers pizza with sausage on top, plays his role straight. We do not witness a reprise of Monica, although it is in the air."
And here are a few of the production shots from the show!